5 AM


5 AM

Art Direction

My Role: Art Director
Nidia Dias

Project Description:

The project was to really show through research that…. the early bird really does get the worm.


1. You’ll have a more successful career.

Biologist Christoph Randler discovered that “people whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success, because they’re more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening.”

2. It will make you more positive

A 2012 study on young adults reports that morning-type individuals, or “larks,” report higher levels of positive affect compared with evening-type individuals, or “owls”.

3. You’ll become more persistent and cooperative.

According to a study showing the relationship between morningness–eveningness and temperament and character dimensions in 347 adolescents, a 2011 study discovered that morning people are more determined, persistent, agreeable and conscientious than evening people.

4. It could help prevent depression.

Morningness-eveningness, the degree to which people prefer organizing their activity and sleep patterns toward the morning or evening, is related to circadian phase and is associated with mood, with relatively greater psychological distress among evening types.

5. You’ll keep off the weight

According to a study showing the relationship between morningness–eveningness and tempera5. Being slimmer could be as simple as waking up early for some morning sunshine. The findings by Northwestern University researchers are published in the journal PLOS ONE.This small study of 54 volunteers showed that the leanest ones did not necessarily eat better or exercise more than the rest. They simply were exposed to more bright daylight earlier in the day. The study found morning light accounted for about 20 per cent of a person’s body mass index (BMI). “The later the hour of moderately bright light exposure, the higher a person’s BMI.”